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With phone suggestions : check out the phones we recommend in 3 different price brackets.
These recommendations are based on several factors and may not apply to everyone, based on your geographical location, preferences, and requirements.
With brand reliability : check out for any major issues before you make your big purchase.
The reliability scores are based on widespread issues, so we might have not included some issues in certain models if there was not enough evidence or any statements by the particular brand. That is because isolated issues and widespread issues usually happen for different reasons, especially with many fake posts on the internet.
With OS Reliability: check out for OS reliability before you make your big purchase.
The reliability scores are based on widespread issues, but with OS it becomes even harder. Compiling opinions of so many different users with different use cases, its hard to summarize in a few sentences. Adding on to that, is how some devices get software issues while others don't. That makes it harder to separate and diagnose if the issue is with software, or if it is bad hardware causing the software to act up. Regardless, we've tried our best to highlight any major issues while being as neutral as possible with the information we gathered.